photo by Alex Schröder

Myrto Nizami is a composer and pianist from Greece. She is often inspired by poetry and painting, philosophy and the politics. In her music she explores the fluid and airy plasticity of sound while she seeks for the music interplay between technology and physical sound material. She has composed music for acoustic instruments, voice and electronics while she has been collaborating in multidisciplinary projects.
Her music has been presented in festivals a.o. Klangspuren Festival Composers Lab in Austria, "Lichtbogen Neue Musik" festival at the Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf (Germany), Outhear New Music Week (Greece), Tehran International Electronic Music Festival (Iran), Ref-Resilience Festival 2021 (Italy), and venues such as Auditorium-Orchestre National de Lyon (France), Académie Voix Nouvelles 2022 (full scholarship) - Foundation Royaumont (France),  Korzo Theater Den Haag (NL), Kruis + Bestuiving - ANNA3 2020 (Belgium).  
She has received commissions by Georges Aperghis, Radio France (Création Mondiale), Onassis Foundation (GR), InBloom Concert Series, Muzika Bulegoa Suona Irratzari Foundation (SP) and others. She has received awards such as the First Prize at the XIV International Composition Competition “Francisco Escudero” (SP), honorary diplomas from the 5th Ensemble Écoute Composition Competition, 3rd International Composer Competition “New Music Generation 2021” (KZ) and the GICC 2021 composition competition in (USA), and she has been selected at the Internation Competition of the Klangspuren Composers Lab in Austria. From 2023 to 2025 she is awarded to be composer-in-residence in Dag in de Branding Festival in The Hague, Netherlands. 
She has collaborated with ensembles such as, Klangforum Wien, Schallfeld Ensemble, Ilsuono Giallo, Residentie Orkest, Artéfacts, Stolz Quartet, Kali Ensemble, Sonor, Synaesthesis and with soloists as the cellist Marie Ythier, the soprano Niki Lada, and others.
Since 2018 she lives and works in The Hague, Netherlands. 
• One Year Course (Electroacoustic Composition) at the Sonology Institute of the Royal Conservatoire in the Hague (NL) 2021-2022
Master’s in Music Composition (MMus) - Royal Conservatoire in the Hague (NL) (2018-2020), Supervisors: Guus Janssen, Calliope Tsoupaki. Research supervisors: Samuel Vriezen (internal), Nicolas Tzortzis (external)
Bachelor’s Degree in Music Composition (BMus) with excellence - University of Macedonia, Department of Music Science and Art (GR) (2017) Supervisor: George Kyriakakis.
Fugue and Orchestration Diplomas (2018) with excellence - State Conservatory of Thessaloniki (GR). Supervisor: Konstantinos Siempis
Counterpoint Diploma (2015) with excellence – “En Chordai” Conservatory (GR), Supervisor: Konstantinos Stogiannidis.
Harmony Degree (2010) with excellence – “Franz Liszt” Conservatory (GR), supervisor: Anna Vogiatzi.
Piano Performance Degree (2013) with excellence – “Franz Liszt” Conservatory (GR), supervisor: Anna Vogiatzi
Since 2018 she studies composition with Nicolas Tzortzis (
Masterclasses and Workshops with the composers and performers:
Nicolas Tzortzis, Franck Bedrossian, George Hadjinikos, Peter Ablinger, Silvina Milstein, Marc Sabat, Georgia Spiropoulos, Yan Maresz, Alberto Posadas, Perluigi Billone, Jörg Frey, Bas Wiegers and Ernst Kovacic


• 2023-2025_Composer-in-residence of the Festival Dag in de Branding, The Hague (2023-2025)
• 2022_ Honorary Mention at the 5th Ensemble Écoute Composition Competition – France.
• 2022_ Laureate composer of the Royaumont Foundation, Voix Nouvelles – France.
• 2022_Selection by the Tehran International Electronic Music Festival (IR) of the work “Algal Bloom” – work in collaboration                      with the visual artist Mieke Robroeks.
• 2021_ First Prize at the XIV International Composition Competition “Francisco Escudero” -Spain.
• 2021_Selection by CALL FOR WORKS 2021 by Empirica – 1st edition of REF - Resilience Festival by MID SIDE Aps                                 (Foggia, Italy) - “Algal Bloom” – work in collaboration with the visual artist Mieke Robroeks.
• 2021_ Diploma “For non-standard thinking and originality of the idea” from the 3rd International Composer Competition                         “New Music Generation 2021” (KZ).
• 2021_ Forth place and honorary mention at the GICC 2021 composition competition in (USA)
• 2021_Artistic Residency at the Studio Loos, The Hague (NL) in collaboration with the Kali ensemble (18-24/10/2021) –                        performance of a new work for the ensemble.

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