14 January 2024 - Basel, Switzerland
Pythia Trio (Iro Menegou, Myrto Akrivou and Thaleia Papadopoulou) perform the new piece "Seeing Feelingly" for six hands on the piano at H95 Raum für Kultur. More info https://basellive.ch/kalender/the-three-lears/36516
4 February 2024 - Athens, Greece
Concert title: SUBVERSION I: WHAT IF WOMEN RULED THE WORLD? Piano works including 10 Bagatelles, n.1, 2016 . 
23 and 24 February 2024 - Paris, Radio France
15 March 2024 - Dag in De Branding Festival-The Hague, Netherlands
"Gone in No Time" for solo cello, performed by Beste Yildiz, at the Amare (Spuiplein 150, Den Haag) https://www.dagindebranding.nl/programma-item/15-3-2024-ensemble-modelo62-i-s-m-heliosphere-20438/
19 March 2024 - Marseille, France
"Gone in No Time" for solo cello, performed by Marie Ythier, at Friche la Belle de Mai (Petit Plateau) at GMEM - Centre national de création musicale: 

27 MAY 2024 ,The Hague, Netherlands
"Gone in No Time" for solo cello, performed by Beste Yildiz, at the Amare Studio 2 (Spuiplein 150, Den Haag) - Master 1 Recital
1 June 2024 Dag in De Branding Festival - The Hague, Netherlands 
"Prima Materia" vol I, for voice, e-guitar, double bass, percussion and electronics (Kristia Michael and Ensemble Modelo62). Audio engineering/audio recording: Siavash Jafari, lights: Luca Tornato, video: Catalina Torres
15 June 2024 - Athens Conservatory - Greece
"The piano in 20th and 21st century" workshop including the work "Seeing Feelingly" for six hands on the piano performed by Pythia Trio (Iro Menegou, Myrto Akrivou and Thaleia Papadopoulou)
19 October 2024 - Dag in De Branding Festival - The Hague, Netherlands - 14:00
 New work for Ensemble Modelo62,  Haags Hoog, The Hague, NL
4 December 2024 - Galerie Luis Gendre, Chamalieres, France
Terpen II, for solo clarinet  - Clarinet Solo recital by Guillaume Labussiere.  link: https://www.galerielouisgendre.com/en/

25 March 2025 - Dag in De Branding Festival - The Hague, Netherlands 
New work
June 2025 - Dag in De Branding Festival - The Hague, Netherlands 
New work


photo by Xenia Chamiti

Part events: 
28 April 2023 - Brugge, Belgium 
"Terpen I" premiered by the Ensemble Zar performed in Brugge, Belgium - part of the ENOA project Collaborative Composition for Cross-Cultural Ensembles “An orchestration of personalities”/ 26 - 28 April 2023 - LOD muziektheater. 
6 May 2023 - Malmö, Sweden
"The branches look the same" for violin, cello and piano presents by the Ars Nova Ensemble at the Sound Spaces Festival, Palladium Malmö, Sweden. link: https://www.palladium.nu/kalender/sound-spaces-festival/
11 May 2023 - Poush, Aubervilliers, France
"Gone in No Time" for solo cello, Ensemble Écoute, during the vernissage of the next exhibition at Poush, Aubervilliers, France:
3 June 2023 - Royaumont Abbey, France
"Gone in No Time" for solo cello, performed by Marie Ythier, Royaumont Library, France. 

20 June 2023 - The Hague, Netherlands
"Terpen II" for solo clarinet in Bb, premiered by Giuseppe Sapienza - Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag (master recital in clarinet performance)

18 September 2023 - Schwaz, Austria
"Iridiscent Schemes"  for Flute, Sax, Piano, Accordion, Violin and Cello premiered by the Schallfeld Ensemble as part of the Klangspuren Composers Lab  https://klangspuren.at/en/composers-lab

18 October 2023  - Radio Schallfeld - Klangspuren II 
Radio interview with Zinajda Kodrič: https://helsinki.at/podcast/637395/
23 November 2023 - Athens, Greece
Miniatures for piano by greek composers - performance of the Bagatella no1. in the Athens Concert Hall, Greece organized by The Friends of Music Society in Greece. More info soon.
1 December 2023 - Pafos, Cyprus
Pythia Trio (Iro Menegou, Myrto Akrivou and Thaleia Papadopoulou) perform the new piece "Seeing Feelingly" for six hands on the piano.  More info:  https://www.facebook.com/p/Pythia-trio-100084124594772/?paipv=0&eav=AfYIpNqPR-qy8Xm9QQpTsT8JNEMmy2otz90KpwgLJAIzVk-tdHMu2rp_-2YkZr7tArE&_rdr
5 December 2023 -  Arta, Greece
Miniatures for piano by greek composers - performance of the Bagatella no1. in the Athens Concert Hall, Greece organized by The Friends of Music Society in Greece. More info: https://www.adaeota.gr
7 December 2023 - Les Lilas, France
"Gone in No Time" for solo cello, performed by Marie Ythier, at "Le Triton". More info: https://www.letriton.com/programmation/marie-ythier-3021?fbclid=IwAR1oaB-hNZxsL7pGdBwF6voq-hExJv5P2rWcKf099PrHs2KgzJrulLrHCLA
8 December 2023 -  Detroit, MI, United States 
New Music Detroit: Still Live at Wasserman Projects. Yvonne Lam (violin), Cole Randolph (cello) and Justin Snyder (piano) perform "The branches look the same". In response to the artworks of Laura Letinsky and Beth Lipman on display in Shifting Frequencies, "Still Life'' is a sonic meditation on the illusion of time. More info: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/new-music-detroit-still-life-tickets-759012656287?aff=oddtdtcreator. 
8 December 2023 - Bucharest, Romania 
Pythia Trio (Iro Menegou, Myrto Akrivou and Thaleia Papadopoulou) perform the new piece "Seeing Feelingly" for six hands on the piano at Goethe-Institut Bucuresti. More info: https://cimro.ro/pythia-trio-din-nou-la-bucuresti-recital-de-pian-la-6-maini/
9 December 2023 - The Hague, Netherlands
Pythia Trio (Iro Menegou, Myrto Akrivou and Thaleia Papadopoulou) perform the new piece "Seeing Feelingly" for six hands on the piano. Studio Loos at De Constant Rebecqueplein 20B, 2518 RA Den Haag. More info: https://www.loosdenhaag.com/agenda/20-concert-pythia-trio-from-greece6-hands-on-one-piano-with-the-three-lears-
16 December 2023 - Paris, France
"Gone in No Time" for solo cello, performed by Marie Ythier, at "La Gaîté Lyrique". More info: https://www.gaite-lyrique.net/evenement/marathon-2023
10 December 2022// Lyon, France
Pop-up exploratoire #3 - GRAME presents a cycle of concerts in collaboration with the  l’Auditorium-Orchestre National de Lyon : les Pop-ups exploratoires ! Avec Marie Ythier will perform works for solo violoncello by Georges Aperghis, Shuhan Hu, Myrto Nizami, Nuria Gimenez-Comas and Bastien David. https://www.grame.fr/evenements/2022-12-pop-up-exploratoire-3
8 December 2022// Den Bosch, Netherlands
"Magmatics" for bass clarinet, electronics and visuals in collaboration with the visual artist Mieke Robroeks - Sonology Concert at Toonzaal Willem Twee Den Bosch, NL performed by Mathilde Lettinga.

22 October 2022 //The Hague, Netherlands
"Magmatics" for bass clarinet, electronics and visuals in collaboration with the visual artist Mieke Robroeks, "In Bloom" concert series at Korzo theater, premiered by Mathilde Lettinga

7 October 2022 //Zarautz, Basque Country
"The branches bend, the memories collide"  performed at the award ceremony for the XIV edition of "Francisco Escudero International Composition Competition" - held by HAUSPOZ Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkarteah. 

29 September 2022 //The Hague, Netherlands
Kali Ensemble premieres the work "The branches look the same" for piano trio at Studio Loos, Den Haag at 20:00. 
4 September 2022 // Royaumont Abbey, France

Marie Ythier premieres a new solo cello piece at Royaumont Academy "Noix Nouvelles", France. 

20 May 2022 //Dusseldorf, Germany

Kali Ensemble premieres the work "The branches look the same" for piano trio at Lichtbogen Neue Musik at the Robert Schumann Hochschule in Dusseldorf (Germany).
9 April 2022 // Larissa, Greece
Klangforum Wien and PPCM at the Outhear New Music Week in Larissa (GR) - Premiere of the piece "The branches bend, the memories collide" for saxophone, accordeon, violin and cello (sax: Gerald Preinfalk, acc: Krassimir Sterev, vln: Lea Moullet, vcl: Leo Morello
11 and 13 March 2022 // The Hague, Netherlands
Residentie Orkest premieres the orchestral work "Fake Palindromes" at the Amare, The Hague, NL.

4 March 2022 //  Athens, Greeece
  "Beneath/ Underbreathe"  commissioned by Onassis Stegi initiative “music bridge” performed by ARTéfacts Ensemble ( Spyros Tzekos, Thodoris Vazakas and Kostas Seremetis)
for info and tickets: 
24 February 2022 // Tehran, Iran
Algal Bloom (A/V work in collaboration with Mieke Robroeks) - featuring at the Tehran Internation Electronic Music Festival (IR) 
21 January 2022 //
Algal Bloom (A/V work in collaboration with Mieke Robroeks) published by Empirica Records and MID SIDE Aps

Selected past events (2020- 2016):

8/2020___ Music for the short film Simbiosis, Thessaloniki, Greece 
9/2020___Exhibition-Projection of the multimedia work “Algal Bloom” in collaboration with Mieke Robroeks at the Anna3 summershow Linkeroever Antwerp, BE.

10/2019___"Into the Shade of", for alto saxophone, vibraphone and piano
*Performed by Georgos Lugeridis, Alexandros Ioannou and Eftychia Venioti at the 10th Contemporary Music Workshop in Thessaloniki.
2018-2020__Series of concerts with the improvisation ensemble, SEE (Sonology Electroacoustic Ensemble)
Dream of a Memory (2019), for string trio
*Performed by the Stolz at the Royal Conservatory of the Hague and at De Doelen, Rotterdam.

Sonnet VIII (2019) for soprano and alto saxophone
*Performed by Nike Lada and Michele Bianchini at the 4th IlSuono International Music Academy in Cittá di Castello.

Murjélla (2019), for flute, bass clarinet, violin, viola, cello and piano
*Performed by Synaestheris Ensemble at the Royal Conservatory in the Hague

"Three Dances for Baroque Ensemble" (2018-2019) for bass recorder, baroque oboe, natural horn, violin, violone and harpsichord (collaboration with the Baroque and Dance Department of the Royal Conservatory) -  Spring Festival 2019
*Conducted by Leonard Kwon, performed by the Natthapong Sirisit (rec.), Olga Kuznetsova (ob.), Nicolas Roudier (hn.), Placida Ho (vln.), Takumi Hiratsuka (vlne), Eliot Dios Martinez (hps.) and the dancer Juul van Helvoirt.
12 Dec 2019_"All Day I Hear The Noise Of Waters" (2018) for basset horn
*Performed by Daniele Zamboni at Korzo Theatre in the Hague, NL

21 Jul 2018__"Fake Palindromes" for alto flute, tenor saxophone, double bass, piano
*Performed by Suono Giallo ensemble (July 2018), Citta di Castello IT

May 2017__Pemptos Trochos, for piano, bayan, percussion and string orchestra
*Performed by the Student Orchestra of the Department of Music Science and Art - UOM,  Thessaloniki Concert Hall, GR

June 2017__Klage (2017) for baritone and ensemble
*Performed at the final graduation concert at the Department of Music Science and Art - UOM, GR

June 2017__String Quartet 
*Performed by Aggeliki Sideropoulou, Dimitra Remidianaki, Myrto Stavrakidou and Stephanos Kemanetzis, Department of Music Science and Art - UOM, GR
May 2016__Short piece for bayan, performed by Artemis Vavatsika, «Á propos-big instruments for young kids» at the Panorama Culture Centre GR

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